Thursday, September 15, 2016


I think it best to start with the one who served as my introduction into this little community, a one Timothy "Zero" Holiday, if the Messenger's (Oh, we'll get to him.) info is correct, on his name at least.Zero's profile.

Now, where to begin with Zero. He isn't the most well known figure, but he certainly wasn't a nobody. I don't consider him one of the "big three" (Robert, M, and Zeke.) but if anyone came close to being as noticed as them, I believe Zero's a strong contender.

He ran two blogs, if you wish to read all his entries in chronological order, you should start with "A hint of serendipity" before moving on to "The Last Refuge of a Dangerous Man". And over time, became a notable figure in this little community, gathering the attention of Zeke Strahm on occasion, and he had more than enough contact with Robert, to say the least.

Almost right off the bat, Zero states he wishes to lend his hand in "killing it" it being mister tall, dark, and slender himself (Already one horrible description? I'm really off to the races.) Or /construct/ as he refers to it throughout the post, well, that and to bring people together, to stop them from suffering alone as he puts it.

A lot of the first post is fluff after this, basic info about him, this is the earliest post from him, though reading the comments gets a basic interaction with him and Maduin The Jester, someone who will probably also get looked into eventually, it isn't much, but from it we gather his motivation for joining in,
No spouse, no kids, no legacy. I've had no ambition, and have never known what I'm destined for. Maybe with this, I can at least have a shot of helping someone." as he puts it, sounds noble enough. That doesn't last all that long, sorry to say, but we'll get to that.

While again, the second post isn't too important or relevant, Zero brings up a history of good luck, a few details stem from this, his use of dice as his profile picture, and Maduin, in some cases referred to him as (Gambler) on occasion because of this. The comments lack any real interesting discussion, as there's only one, so moving on.

Post Three is the first time Zero used the (Title) format after someone's name, it was a trend for a while, for reasons related to this Core Theory and Three Sages idea, you'll note how I mentioned Maduin used it as well, it was something people really believed in, that those Robert (Who gave out the titles, at least, the titles of sage.) named Sage were...Empowered, in some sense. To make it perfectly clear, there's no indication that this was ever the case, besides maybe Robert himself. Even former sages, Zero included end up finding this practice useless, so they were divisive after a while, you rarely got a good response for using them after things crashed down on Robert's head.

Fourth post features Zero's first case of editing previous posts, decrying his older actions, which is a running trend, but nothing else of note.

Now, I'm going to stop with the individual post nature, as it gets stale, but if a certain post is notably important, it'll be mentioned.

Zero goes on to theorize that this "construct" can be killed via a sort of banding together of...Fiction.

It sounds senseless, but his reasoning makes sense. Many blame "SomethingAwful" a forum that's rather deep in internet culture for the being's creation, and Zero himself notes this. A sort of tulpa idea is considered, and he believes if he can spread a time when everyone writes about it dying, he can effectively end it's power it's gained through all the stories spread about it.

The idea of a tulpa is that it gains power from all those who know about it, and many, many people in this community end up believing this is the case with Slenderman, do I agree?

I'm...Not sure, it's up in the air. It's a solid-ish theory but it isn't perfect, it's hard to really say for certain when there's no solid evidence for or against. This isn't about me though, back to Zero.

Zero posts vaguely, mentions wanting to write about killing Slenderman again, via his same reverse-tulpa type idea, attempts to convince more people, nothing all that noteworthy for the remainder of the month.

He meets a fellow runner paranoid in the streets, gets scared of his own shadow, etc. Really, nothing all that important for a while. Well, that is, except for the comments on the first post of November.

Greenlight, for those of you who don't know, was a one Robert Sagel, he named the sages. The last generation consisted of himself, Shaun, and Jay (no not that one). Now this post isn't intended to be about Core Theory, it's been thoroughly combed through, and ripped to shreds. However it is notable that Robert deemed Zero worthy of taking the title of Sage, the third of this second Generation, to be exact. Jay and Shaun are notable, but not people I've really read up on, to be honest. (not so professional, am I?) And it's nigh impossible to read directly from Robert's blog, since it's been all but purged.

This title though, it gives Zero some bizarre sense of confidence, and people take notice of him rather quickly after. The other two sages of this generation are the previously mentioned Maduin and Amelia, both of which have back and forth interactions with Zero for, well, basically the rest of this blog.

More edits with Zero punching his past self for not noting Robert's insanity, etc. But now, I think is a time to stop on this section of Zero's story, you can read the rest here, but that's not the point, it involves lots of comments, discussion, and things that would make this post far longer than it already is. You'll read about his "solstice plan" which, quite frankly probably deserves it's own entry, Rika, being tormented by proxies who'd taken a friend of his, and it's all very long, but make sure to read those comments, it's where he interacts with a lot of the other bloggers and can sometimes reach comment trains into the 100s.

His second blog will be summarized...Quickly, since I've already taken too much time. After Zero's presumed death, and disappearance, his second blog appears in March of 2011, simply put, this is the reason not too many look back on him fondly.

Zero attacked Runners, killed them. He believed he could build a weapon from the bones of Runners (people on the run from Slenderman, if I hadn't made that clear.) who were near their breaking point, for some reason. He killed a fair few, notably a proxy named Jekyll (or was it Hyde?) and a runner named Slice, both he tried to defend himself on. Jekyll for being a proxy, and Slice was begging for death. However, it's hard to justify his other actions, no matter how hard I were to try, but he "comes too"  or rather, breaks down, and finally stops with his old objective. Well, after that, he dies. Uneventful, yes? He makes a few more posts trying to make amends, runs off into the woods, meets what we call "The Bleeding Tree." And his end, so why do I bring him up?

Zero was a lot of things, Sage, "hero" to some, before his breakdown. Gambler, however you want to put it. However, I think he's notable for his will and want to, as he put it "kill the slenderman", the man looked up to Zeke Strahm, and both were fighters. So, in remembrance to you, "zerosage", I hope it's easier wherever you may or may not be. As for my assumptions/knowledge on his condition, if it even needs to be asked.

Status: Deceased.
Last blog activity: Here.
Notable Relationships: Robert Sagel, Ameila, Maduin, Nessa.
Final Thoughts: A fighter to the end, even if he didn't do it the right way all the time, arguably his heart was mostly in the right place. I don't agree with his actions, I don't think many do. Fighters fall, but the best way to get past that is to try to emulate their determination. It is morbid, but I think if enough people fail, but make progress, someone will eventually succeed. Zero may have just been another part in that cycle, but he's a memorable one, and I'd recommend reading his blogs, while also looking through the comment sections of some of Maduin's earlier entries, that's where I've seen him most.

As for the ending, I know I probably didn't do the best summary, more of a taste if anything, but honestly, again. I felt someone needed to do it, so if you just happened to stumble upon this, I hope I gave you something new to read at the very least. While it likely wasn't all that well written, or helpful, or even interesting. I thought it might be nice to at least have somewhere, if anyone who happens to maybe read this has any suggestions, or thoughts on how I may improve, I'd love to hear them. As for who I'll be going over next...maybe I'll tackle The Tutorial, or M himself to be precise.

Never Forget, and I hope it was an okay read.


An Introduction

I might as well keep this short, I doubt anyone's too interested in this anyways. A while back, there was a sort of community, and I have no idea how to say this without making it sound dumb, but it was centered around the man, the myth, the legend, Slenderman.

Now, I know many people reading this just groaned, and face-palmed so hard their nose came out the back of their head, but this does have a purpose. Products like Marble Hornets or Tribe Twelve are already...Well documented, we all know the stories and there's entire websites dedicated to discussion, and information on all of them.

I doubt I'll be able to be as good as a whole wiki, I mean, I am just one guy after all, think of this as a little pet project of sorts, to be updated when and if I can, but basically, I intend to document what I can about some of the notable figures who dealt with this...Issue, and wrote about it in blogs like this one, it's a close-knit community, one that I don't think too many outsiders are aware of. A few know the name Zeke Strahm, but that's really it, and he's but one of the many figures in this general sort of community, now if this blog shows up only to have this one post, I guess I got lazy.

Don't expect it to be super formal, or super advanced, but I think some of these people deserve to at least be recognized, even if it's just by someone insignificant, like myself.

As for me, I'm just a bored passerby, Gold will do if you ever for some reason need to address me, to be honest I just thought it sounded cool.

This introduction isn't the best, but whatever.
